Martian is a thrilling Sci-Fi movie released in the year 2015. The book titled 'the martian' is by Andy Weir and the movie with the same title is directed by Ridley Scott. The movie lacked the feel of the book as common with most of the movies based on best selling novels. Of course there are some exceptions.
The book really gives the reader a feel that the astronaut is left in mars and by his own, while the movie portrays it as just a short adventure trip. Some of the sections in the book really stress this part where the astronaut looks into the wilderness and realises that he is the only person in a huge planet. Also there are plenty of emotional stuff when he records in his journal to who ever finds the recording that, they should let his parents know that he really struggled to get back to them and didn't give up easy.
Many of the scenes were quite different with the book having more believable adventures like loosing the only communication link with earth as a consequence of a short circuit during welding compared to the space jump attempted in the movie towards the climax. Many of the other adventures in the book are omitted as the movie had to be compressed to 120 minutes.
For those people who are yet to capture the action, I recommend to read the book first, built your imagination and then watch the book. This is the same logic for all book turned movies. This will truly help to realise that your imaginations are a degree better and good to feel that the silver screen's.